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It is a disorder of sensory
perception, the result is the distorted perception of
reality. The victim feels or hears something, but attributed
a different meaning corresponding to that perception. This
distortion of perceptions can be triggered by various
causes, including organic, by a very high emotional
intensity, which also produces anxiety and depressive
affect, marked by catathymic illusions, in the latter, the
evidence is variable and the patient can doubt them.
Not to be confused with voluntary illusions where who has
them, knows that it has created and which are false and
therefore do not pose a disease. |
The treatment is psychiatric
and pharmacologic |
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It is a thought disorder,
affecting language, like disintegration, but this is because
the words that have no coherence between them. It is typical
of dementia. |
The treatment is neurologic. |
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It is a thought disorder
that is characterized by the low fluidity of thought and
difficulty finding words.
It is related to depression and schizophrenia. |
The treatment is psychiatric
and pharmacologic. |
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Insomnia is the inability to
sleep or sleeping discontinuously.
Keep in mind above all the hours required by each person is
different and what really counts is to get up, after
sleeping with the right skills and attention concentration.
It can be caused by various reasons, most of insomnia are
secondary, they are a result of other physical or
psychological pathology (pain, poor digestion, breathing
difficulties, anxiety, depression, obsessions, mania,
schizophrenia, etc.). Although there are cases of insomnia
first time where there is no associated pathologies. |
Psychological therapy,
supported with relaxation techniques and / or hypnosis,
gives very good results in most cases, but depending on the
associated disorder, may require medical and / or
psychiatric treatment. |
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It is a form of aphasia, caused by brain injuries, in which
a debit decrease is experienced, (number of words per
minute). Typically occurs in motor aphasia.
The treatment is neurologic. |
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It is a language rhythm
disorder that causes a way of talking about overly generous
description of images and concepts.
It is typical of manic depressive psychosis. |
The treatment is psychiatric
and pharmacologic. |
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This disorder is considered
to be diametrically opposed to depression. It is
characterized by euphoria and exaggerated joy, for great
optimism (jokes and jokes constantly), the speed of thought
is very fast, tachypsychia, there is a torrential language,
verbiage, where the patient does not have time to pronounce
everything thinking, this is known as pseudo disintegrated
thinking, flight of ideas. Tend to overestimate their
capabilities and minimize inconvenience, which in many cases
makes big mistakes, which can easily lead you to ruin.
Psychomotor is also exalted with increased hunger and sex
drive and reduces the need for sleep. Risk of suicide.
It occurs in manic depressive psychosis, and organic reasons for
narcotics use. |
The treatment is psychiatric
and pharmacologic. |
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The manic depressive psychosis, also known as affective
psychosis, is a mental illness that is characterized by two
distinct phases implied:
- The manic phase, during which the patient has a state of
euphoria with feelings of great energy, of not needing
sleep. Can also show anger and irritability. There is a
misunderstanding of things. Following the manic phase, can
go to the depressive phase or have a normal period.
- The depressive phase is of profound sadness, lack of
enthusiasm for things, loss of appetite and sleep disorders.
In both phases, there is a risk of suicide.
This type of disease occurs around age 30 or sometimes
The treatment is psychiatric. |
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In this disorder, the affected simulates or causes diseases
to be treated medically and undergo surgery. This condition
is usually a way to demand attention and as a search for the
magic that entails for them all the medical technology.
The treatment is psychiatric.
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This disorder, as the previous one is a way to demand
attention, but in this case not for himself, but for someone
close. The most frequent case of mothers who cause their
children diseases, eg diarrhea, to be cared for medically.
The treatment is psychiatric
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It is included in personality disorders and is characterized
by excessive attachment to himself. Liking oneself
excessively. |
The treatment is psychiatric and pharmacologic. |
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It is a sleep disorder where
who sufferer it, he falls asleep suddenly without first had
a feeling that I could sleep. The dream last a short time.
This short and sudden sleepiness is considered that may be
due to genetic factors and often appears in adolescence or
young adulthood. Have similar incidence in both sexes.
Seizures usually last between 5 and 15 minutes and disappear
as suddenly as they appear. They may be accompanied by
cataplexy (loss of muscle tone), sleep paralysis (loss of
ability to move during sleep and waking) and hallucinations. |
Psychiatric treatment. They
respond well to stimulant medication, although there
cataplexy and / or hallucinations are more resistant |
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It is a disorder of sexual
behavior, very rare, where the sufferer gets sexual pleasure
with dead.
It is associated with severe psychotic disorders,
schizophrenia and oligophrenias. |
The treatment is psychiatric. |
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It is a language disorder
where the affected creates new words to describe thoughts
that can not explain and typically uses. |
Treatment can be neurologic
or psychiatric. |
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This disorder usually occurs in children between 5 and 7
years and is rare after puberty. Is the sudden emergence of
a strong body and vegetative agitation, accompanied by panic
states. Appears sweating, rapid pulse, screams, groans,
sometimes incorporated into the bed. They have feelings of
oppression, paralysis, asphyxiation, and suffering intense
fear. It may be difficult to awaken, but then go back to
sleep and waking often not remember the episode. Not usually
indicate diseases, except in cases that remain after puberty.
If necessary, the treatment may be psychiatric or
psychological. |
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This disorder is framed
within the obsessive disorders.
They are usually unimportant and often result from factors
such as fatigue or lack of sleep.
They are thoughts and / or actions that are in the mind and
repeated obsessively for a short period of time. Generally
eventually disappear by itself. |
Although they tend to
disappear on their-self, it is sometimes necessary to take a
brief psychological therapy. |
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Have the same characteristics that obsessive neurosis but
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It is part of the important
obsessive disorders. There are criteria by some
professionals do not consider it as obsessive neurosis,
because they believe that in obsessive disease are
endogenous and therefore is more serious than neurosis.
Among the most common symptoms are:
- Nosophobical Ideas (exaggerated fear of bacteria and
- Ideas check (check more than once so exaggerated and
faucets, gas, bolts, etc.).
- Philosophical Ruminations (absurd thoughts such as: Why
are there two sexes?).
- Excessive Scruples (exaggerated in sin fear, have hurt
others, having offended God, etc.).
- Obsessive acts (actions and unnecessary movements, which
make ideational overcome obsessions).
- Compulsions (need to absurd behavior, but if they do not
generate anxiety).
The most common causes may be genetic, constitutional,
altered cortical insufficiency, lack of serotonin in the
blood, rigid education, psychological causes (retrocession
to the anal-sadistic stage) |
The treatment that is best
results are with psychological therapy with behavior
modification techniques and relaxation techniques. They also
tend to find good answers with the use of hypnosis.
In some cases it may be required psychiatric treatment and
pharmacological. |
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It is part of the important obsessive disorders. There are
criteria by some professionals do not consider it as
obsessive disease, because they believe that in obsessive
disease are endogenous and therefore is more serious than
Among the most common symptoms are:
- Nosophobical Ideas (exaggerated fear of bacteria and
- Ideas check (check more than once so exaggerated and
faucets, gas, bolts, etc.).
- Philosophical Ruminations (absurd thoughts such as: Why
are there two sexes?).
- Excessive Scruples (exaggerated in sin fear, have hurt
others, having offended God, etc.).
- Obsessive acts (actions and unnecessary movements, which
make ideational overcome obsessions).
- Compulsions (need to absurd behavior, but if they do not
generate anxiety).
The most common causes may be genetic, constitutional,
altered cortical insufficiency, lack of serotonin in the
blood, rigid education, psychological causes (retrocession
to the anal-sadistic stage)
The treatment that is best results are with psychological
therapy with behavior modification techniques and relaxation
techniques. They also tend to find good answers with the use
of hypnosis.
In some cases it may be required psychiatric treatment and
pharmacological. |
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It is a way of acting, characterization of a lifestyle. It
has two forms:
- Asthenic traits (People with indecision to which a hard
time deciding or taking sides).
- Sthenic Traits (People overly concerned with cleanliness,
morality, rules, discipline, etc.).
Works well with psychological therapy relaxation techniques
or hypnosis, but can be specified psychiatric treatment. |
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Obsessive compulsive disorder have similar symptoms that
obsessive neurosis and obsessive disorder. The intensity of
this symptoms is greater than in the neurosis.
Treatment is usually psychiatric, in some cases it may be
sufficient to psychological therapy. In other useful
combination of both.
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They are in line with the
disorders and are those that cause dementia states. |
The treatment can be, depending on the source, psychiatric
and / or neurological
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In this disorder, the person feels is observed, persecuted,
is due to an incorrect assessment of external stimuli which
leads to delusion situations. Ranging from the classic
paranoia, to disorders that come and go. Not usually affect
other areas, so the person, except as noted, can lead a
normal life
The treatment is psychiatric and pharmacologic. |
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This sexual behavior disorder where the sufferer has
exclusive or predominant sexual fondness for children.
The treatment is psychiatric.
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The paramnesias are memory distortions in pathological
degree. It includes details of the meanings or false
emotions or temporary space relationships wrong (déjà vu,
déjà vécu and déjà entendu). Usually arise from temporal
lobe epilepsy.
The treatment is psychiatric and / or neurologic. |
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It is included in personality disorders and is characterized
by feelings of being watched and persecuted, like those of
paranoid disorder |
The treatment is psychiatric and / or psychological. |
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The schizophrenia are
chronic psychotic illnesses. The sufferer, is often unaware
of their disease and lose the universal logic of things.
Paranoid schizophrenia, usually become apparent between
fifteen and thirty years. It has two groups of symptoms:
Primary, negative or deficit, whose major symptoms are
apathy, autism, emotional indifference and disorder
partnerships. And the positive secondary or productive, that
group hallucinations and delusions. |
Treatment is psychiatric and
pharmacologic and in some cases electroshock. Although there
is usually a deterioration of the affected to be increasing
as suffering outbreaks or spends time. |
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It is a disorder in the content of thought where the patient
does not fully explain what you want. Dwell on this theme
and repeats it over and over again.
The treatment is psychiatric and / or neurologic |
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It's repeating things over and over again as a result of
brain injury.
The treatment is neurologic. |
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Personality disorders are mood disorders, which can not
properly be regarded as mental illness and are shaped from
infancy to maturity, in terms of environment and genetics.
Its effects may be relaxed, but hardly heal completely.
The treatment is psychiatric and / or psychological.
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It is a disorder of
consciousness in which a person who is one of their
amputated limbs (arms, legs), will continue to perceive them
as existing and can even notice pain in them. This disorder
disappears by itself after a certain time. |
Not require treatment in
itself, but sometimes psychological therapy helps amputee
find acceptance of the new situation.
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It is an eating disorder in which the patient ingests
non-food substances such as paper, stones, etc.
It occurs in oligophrenic, schizophrenic, and in some
It can be seen in some children, in this case usually is
usually not pathological, if not need to grab attention.
The treatment is psychiatric. |
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This male disorder, is
characterized by the occurrence of orgasm too quickly and is
a source of frustration in the relationship.
May occur in two ways: They get penetration and almost
immediately ejaculate or ejaculate before penetration.
It is a condition usually associated with anxiety and phobic
conditioning is usually present, so that when once occurs is
in the mind and the next time the problem is reproduced. |
The treatment is
psychological. |
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It is a disease within the group of agnosia in which the
person can not recognize faces. Recognizes partners for
voice or clothing. It is a consequence of lesions in the
right hemisphere.
The treatment is neurologic. |
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It is a disorder of thought
content where the ability to synthesize lost. There is an
unnecessary detail, that distracts the subject really
The treatment is psychiatric.
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It is a disorder of attention in which there is apparently a
lack of attention, but it really fails is performance. It is
fairly typical in obsessive as it seems they do not pay
attention, but what really happens is that the focus on
their obsession, have no time for other things. In addition
to the obsessive, it may be associated with other diseases.
The treatment is psychiatric. |
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In pseudo-hallucinations lack any of the three rules of
hallucinations. The most common is that the perception of
voices is not external, but internal.
It is typical of schizophrenia, chronic psychotic disorders,
endogenous depressions, paraphrenia, hallucinatory psychosis.
The treatment is psychiatric. |
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