Once you know, thanks to calculate your BMI (go to BMI calculator), if you should lose or gain weight, daily calorie calculator, we include you then you will know how many calories you eat a day to achieve your goals



The Harris-Benedict method lets you discover a much more precisely the number of calories you should consume daily. Knowing how many calories you should eat to maintain your current weight, increase it or slimming, it is essential before beginning any weight loss program. Although there are different methods for calculating the recommended daily calories, the Harris-Benedict method uses a greater number of parameters to calculate so it is much more accurate than the usual formula for calculating daily calories.





Calories to gain weight



To reduce weight, you need to cut calories, you eat, but do it properly, requires the services of a professional, however, as a guide, then you include a link from which you can access a list of food with calories per 100g.

FOOD AND WEIGHT CONTROL (See table food calories) (in Spanish)


 Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

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