Dietetic and Nutrition

In the Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner, we offer dietetic and nutrition services.

Food has always been a major concern of human beings. In fact, the mode of feeding, has been an important part in the development of civilizations, as in all times has been aware of the importance of food.

Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

There are three quite different terms, but related, which are often used inappropriately, we mean: Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

- The Food is the set of actions, which serve to provide a range of products that we call food, to our body. These products contain basic substances to preserve life. It is a voluntary social activity, conscious and free, we can educate.

- The Nutrition, is the set of processes through which the body receives, transforms and uses the nutrients in food. He is conscious and involuntary and largely depend on the choice of food, has been performed.

- The Dietetic is the technique that allows the use the foods properly, thus, provide the body with those required for a balanced, varied and sufficient food, both health and disease.

Even we can help in any subject of nutrition and dietetics, our specialties most commonly used are:

Weight Control (Weight Loss)

Special Diets (For Organic Diseases and Problems)

Hypnodietetic (Facilitates Follow A Diet)

Read More About Dietetic


 Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

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