Special Diets

In the Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner, we offer services to prepare special diets for certain specific diseases and disorders.

The preparation of these diets, allows to return or maintain the correct analytical values ​​of patients that need.

Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

In the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, our specialists can prepare suitable diets to different nutritional needs, caused by various conditions such as binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, cholesterol, diabetes, anemia, heart disease, etc.

Specific special diets, if they are studied and designed by professionals, provide the body with the nutrients needed to maintain health and at the same time may be sufficiently varied to avoid monotony food that makes it so difficult to follow a diet.

To make them, our experts will tell you, we need to know, generalizing a diagnosis of the disorder or disease and an analytical be necessary to properly study the needs.


 Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

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