
In the Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner, we also offer coaching services for four areas: Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Corporate Coaching and Sportive Coaching.

It is known as coaching, technical where the coach, will help the coachee to make the right decisions to achieve objectives, within a specified period.

The coach training, shape and guide the coachee, engaging with him in a collaborative partnership, which could improve the performance of their duties. This alliance or work plan will set the protocol to achieve the objectives and to this end, establish the necessary visits and the frequency thereof, in order to develop it. Is necessary that coach has the necessary information, the characteristics of the job and how the coachee in this job, it relates to the company. The coach will be, therefore, training director and consultant, helping the coachee to establish procedures and innovate, that will be necessary to achieve the objective.

The coach should communicate and share information, which provides the coachee and take the time required by this effort.

Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

This basic scheme can be applied to any area (sports, personal goals, sales, business goals), and not just the domain of the Executive.

The development process is basically the following 5 steps:

1- Clarity. The observation of new viewpoints will be essential, so that the trained, find solutions and allow the individual to choose between the alternatives available to achieve their goals.
2-  Strategy. Looking allows awareness basically about our power of choice. Coach center the pupil in elections taking and its consequences, providing specific tools to choose consciously and more effectively.
3-  Mindset is essential to any process of coaching, have clearly defined goals that will guide decisions and actions.
4- Action. After gathering all the information, action is sustained over time. The coach will accompany this process closely helping to overcome difficulties encountered in implementing the actions.
5- Growth. At all times it is essential to check if we approach or move away from the target set. This will take corrective actions and thus contribute to the achievement of desired accomplishments.

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 Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

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