Mental Relaxation

In the Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner, we offer also mental relaxation sessions.

Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

In a society like ours, where the level of demand is very high, easy to get to a point where the stress appears. In most cases, it is difficult to part of it, without assistance. This is suitable, the use of mental relaxation sessions.

The sessions we offer, can be performed in two ways:

- Relaxation induced by one of our professional

- Relaxation made ​​with light and sound machines for Megabrain mind

In both cases, the person will be placed lying on a stretcher or in a recliner and a nice quiet atmosphere for about 30 minutes to make the session.

Once those minutes have elapsed, you will feel invaded by a great peace and joy will come.

You will be again full of strength and energy!

See more information about sessions induced

See more information about the sessions with Megabrain


 Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

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