Web Therapy

In the Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner, we offer a wide range of services in psychological therapies and treatments for any age. Our main objective is to always choose more appropriate therapy with the patient's needs, for its evolution in the shortest time possible.

If you live far away and you wish, we can also offer the possibility of remote therapy, through videoconferencing, voice chat and in cases where they do not exist, by phone.  (this service is offered in Spanish)


To determine whether this system may be useful in your case, can you explain your problem in brief, by email and will advise you and confirm if the query through voice chat, can be effective or whether it is better that you go personally to the office of a professional.



With Voice Chat can establish a conversation with anyone in the world in real time. The Voice Chat we work with is Skype, which allows private conversation, with or without webcam, the person who requested it and this method is closer to a personal consultation. You can download it for free, if you have not already, since: Skype.

Once installed, to use the program, you must create an user account, or use the details of your hotmail account, if you have.

You can buy this service in our shop online. When we receive your order online psychological therapy, we will respond by e-mail, telling you the date and time in which you will connect to the service, where we will be waiting. We will always try our best to adapt to time differences that may exist in your home country and Barcelona (Spain). If the date and / or time proposed do not go well, you indicate and would look for another day and time.

Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

So you can talk and listen, you must have speakers or headphones and microphone, and whether to image, you must also have webcam.

It is advisable to practice with the Chat before the day of the consultation, to become familiarized with it.

The query duration is approximately one hour.




 Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

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