PRENATAL STIMULATION - DIT Drizzle Intensive Therapy©
DIT Drizzle Intensive Therapy

In the Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner, we have developed a set of inductive techniques, aimed at the development of the baby. The development of the child is something that always worries expectant parents. For a long time, is accepted as valid the theory that if pregnancy is heard regularly, melodic, classical or relaxation music the baby is less stressed and better artistic abilities.

Casually observed, almost twenty years ago, pregnant women, following a therapy in which relaxation techniques or hypnosis were used, had children calmer and better capabilities. This prompted us to carry out a series of inductive techniques to improve the psychological state of the woman while improving the response of the baby, this has enabled us to develop the technique DIT (Drizzle Intensive Therapy)©.

If you are pregnant, you may have read books and essays, they will tell you that when your baby is born from that time until three years will be a period of growth during which the child will acquire the ability to speak, ability gait ... but for this, still missing a few months ...

Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

Go then to the present, your physical and psychological status influence fetal development ... From your physical condition, your doctor will have told you already, you will be warned of the risks to drinking bad habit, which can cause the baby with little weight and height, suffering from hyperactivity, unsteadiness, or smoking, or taking narcotics, etc ... All this is very clear, which can harm the baby ...

But what about the psychological issue? Emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, etc. put into action the autonomic nervous system of the mother, releasing certain chemical substances in the bloodstream as acetylcholine and epinephrine. If it is something sporadic, does not matter, but if it comes to emotional issues, which remain, end up affecting the baby, making it hyperactive, irritable and always asking, you take him in your arms.

What is sought in this therapy? An early stimulation incentives to enhance the favorable genetic traits. Remove phobias, fears and anxiety in the mother, so you do not convey to the baby.

Why do we call Drizzle Intensive Therapy ©? Why this therapy is relaxing, going slowly entering the mother and thus also the baby, without haste, but they flood of emotions, peace and harmony.

DIT Drizzle Intensive Therapy

How did it come to child's brain when it is not yet formed? At the end of the first month, there is already a principle of the encephalon, which is the central nervous system. At the conclusion of the eighth week the embryo shows a rapid evolution in the development of the encephalon.

When is advisable that the mother make this therapy? From the fifth week of gestation. Although it could start earlier, we believe that only then would impact on the mother; although the help be more relaxed.

What is therapy? By induced visualizations, we achieve a state of peace and harmony in the mother.

Is the mother who strengthens these traits? Of course, she will be the one leading psychologist indicating that want to get.

What tools accompanying therapy? Basically visualizations, music therapy and chromotherapy.

DIT - Imagen «HumanNewborn» de Ernest F - Trabajo propio. Disponible bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 vía Wikimedia Commons -

Are there cases where this therapy is not advisable? Not at all. What we seek is peace and harmony in every way to the mother so that the baby forms of peaceful and enjoyable.

What is taken out of it? In our experience, children are happier and eat well and sleep better.

And when they reach school age? We observed better concentration.

From the sixth month of pregnancy, the fetus experiences periods of sleep, which are similar to those of the newborn. What happens if the fetus is asleep at the time, the mother is doing therapy? While asleep, the unconscious is awake and unconscious, is where the therapy is directed. The unconscious is precisely that mark what the future child.

This service is offered individually and workshops for small groups are also performed.

Information on upcoming workshops (workshops are offered in Spanish)



 Consulting of Psychology and Health Montse Valls Giner

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